The PERColator Podcast
The PERColator podcast, hosted by the Washington State Public Employment Relations Commission, is a space where negotiation theory meets practice. The podcast will explore different themes related to collective bargaining and works to broaden the tools and resources the parties can use in that process to resolve conflicts and enhance labor-management relationships.
Podcasting since 2022 • 46 episodes
The PERColator Podcast
Latest Episodes
Episode 46: PERColator Profile with Otto Klein
Get to know Otto Klein, a partner and founder of Summit Law Group, and a giant in public sector labor relations. Guest co-host Jamie Siegel, a mediator and hearing examiner at PERC, also joins Matt and Otto as they discuss valuable insigh...
Season 1
Episode 46

Episode 45: The Power of No in Bargaining
No might be the scariest word in negotiations where the goal is to reach an agreement where both sides can say yes. But could there be an upside to the use of No in bargaining? Join Chris and Matt as they talk about ways that a nuanced use of N...

Episode 44: The Virtues of Active Listening in Bargaining
The virtues of active listening have long been touted for its benefit in relationship building and understanding. But modern research has examined how active listening can lead to depolarization and stronger working environments, which we explo...
Season 1
Episode 44

Episode 43: Interest Arbitration – 2023 Trends and Insights
Learn how interest arbitrators decided on issues as wages in times of high CPIs, recruitment and retention in tight labor markets, drug testing in light of legalized cannabis, and scheduling challenges. What trends that might impact today's bar...
Season 1
Episode 43